Extra Credit Links

Click here for textbook extra credit- Go to our current chapter and download a notetaking guide for any of the sections in that chapter.

Click here for extra credit form for any of the videos!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The purpose of this blog

The extra credit opportunities are piling up. Part of this is arising from just all that is out there. Another part of this is that the Election Season is upon us. There is much from which can be done in order for Extra Credit to be completed.
You know about the quotations for extra credit. Those are placed on the sidebar and you know how this works. There is also a video clip bar for extra credit. One bar is for 7.3 Students, and another is for 8.3 Students. You click on the video, watch it, and complete the googledoc. There is also the "Bad Opinion Generator" in which a googledoc is featured where more extra credit is offered.
Finally, each post will feature a selected website that has interesting items to examine. Go to the website, examine it, and complete the Googledoc linked at the end of each blog entry.

In the end, this site is established for you. Everything on this is meant for your own enrichment and to enrich your grade. You must put forth effort in completing the tasks featured. Yet, if you do, there is much to gain from the work here. Assume a level of control about yourself, your grade, and your place in the world and take advantage of what is offered.

All best.
Mr. Kannan